The Opportunity of Lockdown

Lockdowns are depressive. No one like to forced to sit at home. The human need real, face to face interaction with other humans, if not given, they go mad. There is a reason why criminals with severe records are thrown in the isolated jails with no human interaction. And currently, the situation is not good. I am not trying to create a panic or anxiety in your mind, but I am stating facts. The way graph of infected people and deaths are going up, I am assuming we will be lockdown state for the next 8-10 weeks to properly contain the spread of Corona Virus.

8 to 10 weeks or 2 months looks easy to read or write, but in lockdown condition, every day passes very slowly and full of lethargy. You are demotivated to do anything. As days are passing you will disrupt your actual routine, you will start waking up late, you will binge Netflix/Prime late nights, you will hog in junk, you will gain fat and it will become a cycle of self-hate and ‘I am good for nothing’.

Sad much after reading this? No need to worry. In this article, I will try to change your mind on how this Lockdown is full of opportunities.

Now, In lockdown state, you must be working from home. Working from home brings up the opportunity of extra time. The extra time is coming from by not commuting to work, by not taking long lunch and smoke breaks, buy not commuting back home from work with almost no energy left. This is the time which can revamp you and you can legit launch your 2.0 version when this lockdown ends.

  • Polish your skills: I always talk about skills in my blog. Develop a new skill, go to youtube and learn something which you always wanted to learn. Maybe how to play a Guitar or Piano. Go to Masterclass and learn how to mix music, acting, direction, cinematography, etc. Take up online course of Nutrition and Fitness coaching. Or just pay someone personally to teach you stuff over skype/facetime like a personality development thing.
  • Learn about Nutrition and Overall Health: Click here: make one for yourself. Learn how to measure food and eat as per your requirements. Learn that one pushup you were trying for so long. Learn that headstand. You have ample time, ample space to perform these. You have no people around you for their unnecessary judgement. You are in your den. You can fail 1000 times but there won’t be a single laugh coming at you.
  • Sort out the differences with Family and Friends: You are stuck in your home with those family members whom you don’t like or feel the same about them the way you do for others. Confront them. Talk it out. This time there is no excuse of you have to go somewhere or tiredness of office work. Even couples who are avoiding divorce talk, this is time to confront and talk about real stuff. Call up your old friends, talk to them, apologize to them for not being in touch. It will fulfil you from inside.
  • Play with your Kids and Homeschool them: What if this Virus scare remains here for more 6-8 months? Your kid won’t be able to attend his or her school. It is time to Learn and systematically homeschool them. Teach your kids new stuff, or maybe about your own childhood, the games you used to play, the stories your grandmother used to recite you. This is the perfect opportunity to strengthen the bond with your kid which you lost due to hectic office and professional life.
  • Learn to Meditate: How difficult it was for you to sit down at one place and meditate for 10-20 minutes because there was always something up. You had to leave for office, you had hectic days and when you came back home your kids took over your time. But now, you have time, you have space and your kids are happy that you are home. Invest this time to learn meditation for better mental health. Install the app Headspace or Sign up for Inner Engineering course by Sadhguru.


Right now you have two options, either wait for this lockdown to end, which you don’t know when it will OR start working on yourself now because tell me honestly when was the last time you got this much time free for yourself (which you always craved for)?


Let me know if I could be of any help to you. Always here to talk. DM me anytime.

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